Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"When nothing is sure, everything is possible." Margaret Drabble

This is my new mantra. I guess it supports the post that I wrote on Mohammad Yunus.

I have had doubts about my lifestyle, for a while now. I feel as though it is all so temporary. I lived in the same rented apartment for the last year and still have unpacked boxes in my dinning room right now. I have worked in the same career for about 7 years and still fell like it is just a job and that my real career is coming to tap me on the shoulder any minute. Even my wardrobe is ever changing. I am not really sure what size I wear because I keep losing weight! (Wait a minute, that might be a good thing!)

In any case, I feel as though I am in constant flux...and yet at the same time I am standing completely still. I know that I keep moving, but I am not going anywhere! There has got to be more than this!

So, something has to change. I know I have to find the courage to move forward. I have actually been doing some research. I am trying to find a situation that is fresh, fun and suits my personality. I have applied to write for several on-line entities and am grassing at what is possible. One of the entities that I applied for said it so perfectly:

"Don't do it for the money, but those who approach it as a labor of love, tend to do very well."

I guess that is where I'm at...trying to find something I love enough to make a commitment to do well.

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