Sunday, May 31, 2009


DO NOT HATE ME ME BUT..... I had the nerve to go see this movie today. At least allow me to give an excuse. I was board, I've seen everything else and I got in for four bucks.

Have you ever seen a puppy that is soooo ugly that it's actually cute. Or how about a traffic accident that is so tragic that you can't look away. Same applies here.

It was very over the top!

From the opening scene you know that this film is pure cheese. It reminded me of the old black and white horror movies. Over acting, face pulling, hand over the mouth and eyes. Very Bela Lugosi. Even the special effects weren't so special. No, seriously! Every time the star demon shows up, it is basically represented by a Shadow puppet. There's even an old gypsy with an evil eye who place a curse on the main character. (I also found it overtly amusing that the main character, the victim of said curse, was a loan officer at a bank. How's that for social satire?) Every device and gory detail ever used in horror film makes a cameo in this film; horseflies, maggots, worms, green slime, projectile bleeding, animal sacrifice, seances. You name it, this flick had it!

I must have attempted to walk out at least 5 times,but something held me back. I can't explain it. I kept waiting for the "real" storyline to start. It border lined on spoof, but I could tell from the earnestness of the actors, they were serious! All I could do is laugh. Then, about half way through the movie, I realized, maybe that was the point! It was intended to be good, old fashioned, horrific fun! I don't know whether or not to recommend the movie, I guess it depends on your affinity for the horror genre in general. If you love it and realize the quality of homage involved in this movie, I say see it! If you are expecting to be scared...I say see something else!

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