Saturday, May 23, 2009

And Today's "Coolest Dude in the Universe" Award goes to.....

Dressed in a light blue tunic with a white vest, Mohammad Yunus sat calmly on the panel of the Bill Maher show, Real Time on HBO. He sat with a quiet confidence that made it seem as though he had a secret. A secret that would change the world.

Much was said during the political chat show, but I think what he contributed was so simple in theory and yet would impact America in such a way as to not only change the economic situation, but could change American culture its self.

Opportunity for Change...I know, I know...that has been the Obama's mantra for almost his entire political career. But Dr. Yunus's theory could not be more different from Obama's. While I admire President Obama and all that he is attempting to do for our country, he is proposing change for the sake of making things more efficient. A change that will bring about similar results, but just a better process. I think that his idea of Change will make us a better, stronger, more efficient country, but not really different.

Dr. Yunus, put into words what I have been thinking about for awhile. Perhaps the "issues" that we face are not to be fixed, but rather an opportunity to change the way we do things has been created. What we should be focusing on is what and how we can do differently. In the last decade we have proven that our greed and desire to fulfill the American Dream has become our greatest flaw. Home loans, credit cards, cars, clothes...STUFF. Oh yeah, and somewhere down at the bottom of the list, health care for all. It is amazing how our priorities have changed from what they were on September 12th, 2001.

Dr. Yunus's idea is rather than fix what is broken so that we can fulfill the American Dream, why not change the American Dream? The duty of service to others and developing Social Business (businesses not only for financial profit but also for societal profit) at the center of this new dream. He named a few countries that have followed this theory simply because they have had to. The financial system was so broken, that the people gave up and decided to focus on other things. Happiness, enlightenment, service to others. It would be quite unfortunate (and scary to be forced into a position where Dr. Yunu's theory would be our only choice.

I am not suggesting that we become socialist, but perhaps while the government works on our financial issues, we as individuals can work on Dr. Yunus's theory, service to others. Diminish our own suffering by focusing on the suffering of others. What a revelation!

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