Sunday, May 31, 2009


DO NOT HATE ME ME BUT..... I had the nerve to go see this movie today. At least allow me to give an excuse. I was board, I've seen everything else and I got in for four bucks.

Have you ever seen a puppy that is soooo ugly that it's actually cute. Or how about a traffic accident that is so tragic that you can't look away. Same applies here.

It was very over the top!

From the opening scene you know that this film is pure cheese. It reminded me of the old black and white horror movies. Over acting, face pulling, hand over the mouth and eyes. Very Bela Lugosi. Even the special effects weren't so special. No, seriously! Every time the star demon shows up, it is basically represented by a Shadow puppet. There's even an old gypsy with an evil eye who place a curse on the main character. (I also found it overtly amusing that the main character, the victim of said curse, was a loan officer at a bank. How's that for social satire?) Every device and gory detail ever used in horror film makes a cameo in this film; horseflies, maggots, worms, green slime, projectile bleeding, animal sacrifice, seances. You name it, this flick had it!

I must have attempted to walk out at least 5 times,but something held me back. I can't explain it. I kept waiting for the "real" storyline to start. It border lined on spoof, but I could tell from the earnestness of the actors, they were serious! All I could do is laugh. Then, about half way through the movie, I realized, maybe that was the point! It was intended to be good, old fashioned, horrific fun! I don't know whether or not to recommend the movie, I guess it depends on your affinity for the horror genre in general. If you love it and realize the quality of homage involved in this movie, I say see it! If you are expecting to be scared...I say see something else!

Friday, May 29, 2009


As eluded to in a previous post, I have not been well. I am recovering from major surgery and am sitting at home miserably board.

Although my body is slow and I find myself, just sitting or laying around, I find that my mind is on the run! There are so many things that I could be doing with all of this free time! It drives me crazy. Part of the reason I am still a bit slow, is because during the first week of my recovery I thought for some reason that I was on vacation. I ran a muck! I think I may have over done it! Now my body is telling me, "Have you lost your mind? You should have been resting and allowing me to heal! Now you will pay! So here I sit, on the couch, BOARD! What else can I do? I have been sleeping, sipping, crocheting, beading, sudokuing, and am chomping at the bit to get started on a puzzle that I ordered from Amazon. (4000 pieces!)

I am doing my best to stay away from infomercials and QVC. Because, that, my friends could be financially devastating!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"When nothing is sure, everything is possible." Margaret Drabble

This is my new mantra. I guess it supports the post that I wrote on Mohammad Yunus.

I have had doubts about my lifestyle, for a while now. I feel as though it is all so temporary. I lived in the same rented apartment for the last year and still have unpacked boxes in my dinning room right now. I have worked in the same career for about 7 years and still fell like it is just a job and that my real career is coming to tap me on the shoulder any minute. Even my wardrobe is ever changing. I am not really sure what size I wear because I keep losing weight! (Wait a minute, that might be a good thing!)

In any case, I feel as though I am in constant flux...and yet at the same time I am standing completely still. I know that I keep moving, but I am not going anywhere! There has got to be more than this!

So, something has to change. I know I have to find the courage to move forward. I have actually been doing some research. I am trying to find a situation that is fresh, fun and suits my personality. I have applied to write for several on-line entities and am grassing at what is possible. One of the entities that I applied for said it so perfectly:

"Don't do it for the money, but those who approach it as a labor of love, tend to do very well."

I guess that is where I'm at...trying to find something I love enough to make a commitment to do well.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Puzzle for You!

Click to Mix and Solve

Click anywhere on the puzzle to start!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

And Today's "Coolest Dude in the Universe" Award goes to.....

Dressed in a light blue tunic with a white vest, Mohammad Yunus sat calmly on the panel of the Bill Maher show, Real Time on HBO. He sat with a quiet confidence that made it seem as though he had a secret. A secret that would change the world.

Much was said during the political chat show, but I think what he contributed was so simple in theory and yet would impact America in such a way as to not only change the economic situation, but could change American culture its self.

Opportunity for Change...I know, I know...that has been the Obama's mantra for almost his entire political career. But Dr. Yunus's theory could not be more different from Obama's. While I admire President Obama and all that he is attempting to do for our country, he is proposing change for the sake of making things more efficient. A change that will bring about similar results, but just a better process. I think that his idea of Change will make us a better, stronger, more efficient country, but not really different.

Dr. Yunus, put into words what I have been thinking about for awhile. Perhaps the "issues" that we face are not to be fixed, but rather an opportunity to change the way we do things has been created. What we should be focusing on is what and how we can do differently. In the last decade we have proven that our greed and desire to fulfill the American Dream has become our greatest flaw. Home loans, credit cards, cars, clothes...STUFF. Oh yeah, and somewhere down at the bottom of the list, health care for all. It is amazing how our priorities have changed from what they were on September 12th, 2001.

Dr. Yunus's idea is rather than fix what is broken so that we can fulfill the American Dream, why not change the American Dream? The duty of service to others and developing Social Business (businesses not only for financial profit but also for societal profit) at the center of this new dream. He named a few countries that have followed this theory simply because they have had to. The financial system was so broken, that the people gave up and decided to focus on other things. Happiness, enlightenment, service to others. It would be quite unfortunate (and scary to be forced into a position where Dr. Yunu's theory would be our only choice.

I am not suggesting that we become socialist, but perhaps while the government works on our financial issues, we as individuals can work on Dr. Yunus's theory, service to others. Diminish our own suffering by focusing on the suffering of others. What a revelation!

The Road I Travel

Was the road we are meant to travel mapped out for us before we ever set out on our journey? Are the twists and turns that we take predetermined, or are they a matter of our own free will?

I believe in the concept of one creator and that he has our entire existence planned. But what does he have up his sleeve for me? I have been plagued by illness and pain over the last year and now I am ready to experience some glory. It is easy to say, "I am tired of being sick and tired," but does that change anything. For if he truly has it all planned, no matter what I do I have to sit ...wait patient. I know the lesson will come.

Measures have been taken to set me on my path to recovery, but is it truly over? Since I can remember I have always been "not a hundred percent." When ever anyone would ask me how I was doing, I would simply answer, "not a hundred percent." I don't even know what "a hundred percent" feels like. Maybe I was never intended to. If that be the case, then will I ever truly recover? Somehow, I don't feel releived after these efforts have been taken. I think that I have just begun my journey and that t, there is much more to come. I can only hope that the lesson, the glory, path that I am supposed to follow will reveal its self. Perhaps I am here to define someone else's path. Or I am here to teach someone else a lesson. Whatever the reason, I am ready to follow the path that has been set.

Photo by B.Sanchez, Long Beach, CA