Sunday, June 28, 2009

What's Old is New Again

Whoever said, "you can't go back," was probably right. However, I was lucky enough this weekend to step back into my future...I've never really been one for nostalgia, and in all honesty high school probably wasn't the best time in my life (although it was definitely the easiest).

Through a popular on-line social net work I have had the pleasant surprise of reconnecting with folks that I have seen for more than 20 years. Randomly, an invitation was sent out to all who attended my high school for a get together at a local brewery. I thought to myself, "why not."

When I first arrived there weren't very many people in attendance, and the people that were there weren't familiar to me at all! I thought maybe I had made a mistake in attending. The next thing I know there was a gal sitting across from me that I recognized, and as we began to chat I found out that she had graduated two years ahead of me. She was charming and the four of us (our spouses included) fell in to a very enjoyable conversation. We had cocktails and dinner together and became fast friends.

As we enjoyed our dinner more people began to arrive, and still, I didn't recognize anyone. Strangely enough, some of them recognized me and as the evening moved forward I began to see people that I recognized from the hallways of my old high school. There were even some folks there that I had considered friends way back when. As the wine flowed and we began to get more comfortable with each other, a wonderful thing started happening; the nerds, the jocks, the preps, the rockers, the punkers all began to intermingle. These old labels didn't mean anything.

There was connections and re-connections made left and right. I spent most of the day on-line and on the phone getting to know a little bit more about a few of the people that I I really made new connections with. I am really quite excited to forge new friendships with some of these folks that I had very little in common with as a teenager.

As we get older it becomes harder to make new friends, but no one ever said it was hard to recycle them!

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