Thursday, June 18, 2009

So I guess that my prediction from last week was wrong! But that's okay, because I think that the judges did a fair job of elimination with what they had to work with. Of the six dancers on the chopping block the judges made the right choice:

Ashley Valerio 22, Los Angeles

I was a little disappointed about Ashley's departure from the show I thought that she was a beautiful dancer and a great match for Ku'pono. I enjoyed her interpretation of a Crash Test Dummy last week. Even this week her hip-hop performance was sassy and she did seem to out dance Ku'pono. With that said, her position in the bottom 3 against Kayla and Caitlin, gave the judges very little choice.

Max Kapitannikov 26, Brooklyn

No love lost here. I didn't really connect with Max. I thought that his performance this week was good, but as a dancer his style isn't very memorable. And let's face it with Ku'pono and Jason in the bottom 3 along with Max...again, the judges had no choice.

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